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Get Rid of Brown Spot PIH on Face. Real Case Study

Writer: Star Cooper Star Cooper

A case study of Targeted Pigment-Correcting Dark Spot Treatment for Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation and Solar Lentigines is the long description. In plain English, this person wanted her brown spot gone from her face. In our experience, we felt the Pico Laser would render the best result. Judge for yourself.

One week after First Treatment with PICO Laser  It was actually darker and more pronounced before we started on it.
One week after First Treatment with PICO Laser It was actually darker and more pronounced before we started on it.

What causes these brown spots? Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) and solar lentigines are dark spots of skin from excessive melanin production due to most commonly excessive or prolonged UV exposure. There are other factors but the treatment is mostly the same.

The platform we was our PicoLaser to target and break down the melanin causing the brown spot. This is very similar to how we perform Laser tattoo removal and is basically the same process. We also have a Q Switch YAG that was considered, as well as IPL, and while Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers work in the nanosecond range (one billionth of a second), the Pico operates in the picosecond range or one trillionth of a second. PicoSure's shorter pulse duration generates less heat, which reduces the risk of tissue damage and scarring. It also breaks down the Melanin into smaller particles so less treatments are necessary. It is also more comfortable for the patient.


In fact, when the patient came in for an additional treatment she said, "It's gone, I don't think I need anymore treatments!" That is really gratifying to hear and to see these amazing results that were accomplished in a couple of lunchtime treatments with absolutely no downtime or anesthesia needed. If you have unwanted freckles, large pores, fine lines and wrinkles, or other skin issues feel free to set up a consultation with Star Cooper CRNA at Ciao Bella Skin and Wellness in Lake Ozark or the Lake Laser Lounge in Camdenton MO. We can help you to feel youthful and vibrant so you can be the "Best" you. Remember "No One has to Know!" 573-342-9006



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